Who We Are
NaFFSL Secretariat, Old Agriculture Building
Tower Hill, Freetown, Sierra Leone
Mon-Sat: 8am to 5pm Closed on Sundays

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Who We Are

Who We Are


“To represent, lobby and advocate for smallholder farmers’ interests and build their capacities to engage in sustainable agricultural productivity and value addition to eliminate hunger and poverty.”


“A prosperous and cohesive farming community in Sierra Leone.”

The National Federation of Farmers of Sierra Leone is an umbrella Organization of recognized smallholder farmer’s organizations acting as a conduit point in the nation’s drive towards agricultural viability and sustainable food security in Sierra Leone; An Institution of participatory governance with grassroots structures constituted by smallholder farmers and processors as building blocks, representing their interests, and with a certain level of accountability to them; NaFFSL is a non-political and a democratic civil society organization of smallholder farmers of Sierra Leone.

Our Mandate

1. Be the National umbrella organization of smallholder farmer organizations recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and other Sector Partners;

2. Representing the legitimate voice of farmers in shaping the unfavourable agricultural policies and articulate farmer’s interest to government, processors and retailers;

3. Voice the views and concerns of farmers on wide-ranging issues, specifically on favourable agricultural policies, production and productivity, capacity building, extension services, research methods and dissemination, markets, information sharing and fostering regional reintegration through trade and good neighbourliness;

4. Mobilize, engage and coordinate smallholder farmer organizations in agricultural production and value addition activities to enhance food security, sovereignty and alleviate hunger through the formation and engagement of specialized commodity associations/cooperatives;

5. Build Capacity and develop the human capital of Farmers Organizations (FOs) and Farmers to execute their mandates professionally;

6. Establish collaboration and partnership with sector organizations and key stakeholders to empower farmers organizations of special groups including women and Youth for improving their productive, profitable and sustainable positions in farming and agribusiness

7. Co-implement with both national and international Non-Governmental Organization in the implementation of agricultural projects in the area of identifying, mobilizing, organizing and engaging farmers in agricultural production and productivity;

8. Promote platforms and Forums for networking, exchange of knowledge and expertise, best practices, beneficial Traditional and Modern Technologies, Practices and innovations among Farmers Organizations and Farmers;

9. Facilitate support for smallholder farmers’ empowerment through lobbying and advocacy for favourable agricultural support and extension services;

10. Compliment the development effort of Government through the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), being one of its stakeholder Institutions working together in the promotion of agricultural production and productivity in Sierra Leone.