NaFFSL Secretariat, Old Agriculture Building
Tower Hill, Freetown, Sierra Leone
Mon-Sat: 8am to 5pm Closed on Sundays

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Who We Are

"The Sierra Leonean Farmer’s Voice

The National Federation of Farmers of Sierra Leone (NaFFSL) is an umbrella organisation of “approved” farmer-based organisations in Sierra Leone. NaFFSL is intended “to function as an apex body of the approved FBOs to defend members’ morale (sic) a material interest at grass-root levels ( villages, chiefdom, district, and national) and international level by develop actions, constructive dialogue, lobbying, advocacy and experience sharing to meaningfully engage farming as business.

Our Mission

To represent, lobby and advocate for smallholder farmers’ interests and build their capacities to engage in sustainable agricultural productivity and value addition to eliminate hunger and poverty.

Uniting Farmers in Sierra Leone

NaFFSL continues to undertake the enormous task of uniting all farmers; wherever they may be in Sierra Leone to defend members’ morale and material interest. The federation continues to defend and pursue farmers’ interests and facilitate them to become vibrant stakeholders (our own agricultural private sector) in transforming agriculture from subsistence to commercial farming (Farm for Business).

About the Project

The National Federation of Farmers of Sierra Leone website has been developed and implemented by INTEGEMS under the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) sponsored programme with the objective to provide technical assistance to strengthen institutional capacity to develop a comprehensive database of smallholder farmers In Sierra Leone.


Our Partners

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security(MAFF)

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Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA)

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Mano River Farmers Union Network

Food and Agriculture Organization

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Programma Uitzending Managers Netherlands (PUM Netherlands)

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Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI)

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African Lead

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Meet the Executives

NaFFSL is led by a dedicated team of senior executives that drive the association daily to deliver on our mission and vision for the association.

Our combined expertise, experience and passion propel the association in its determination to transform the association, today and the future.
Jessie Olu John
John O Fullah
Secretary General
Brima Babo

Our Address

NaFFSL Secretariat, Old Agriculture Building
Tower Hill, Freetown, Sierra Leone

+232 76 589 678